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Keynote: Nancy Zhang, Tumor subclone detection and immune niche modeling on spatial transcriptomics
Webinar: Spatial Mapping of Tumor Microenvironments with The Single-Cell Ninjas
Short Talks Spatial transcriptomics
Short Talks: Spatial Transcriptomics
Subclonal reconstruction of tumors by using... - Giulio Caravagna - MLCSB - Talk - ISMB/ECCB 2021
Radiation-Induced Pre-Metastatic Niche Formation in Breast Cancer Recurrence
CGWI: Ben Raphael, "Clonal Evolution in Tumors and metastases"
The NICHE-2 Study Discussion - OncBrothers (Rohit and Rahul Gosain) with Dr. Myriam Chalabi
Package demo: Orchestrating Hi C analysis with Bioconductor